The Gift of Parenthood

The gift of parenthood

As we take time in our very busy days , let’s reflect on the lifelong gifts we have been given . From the first heartbeat we ever heard ,we began to make silent promises…. here are 10 gifts we can give to our children:

Dear Children:

You are a unique gift, never to be compared with another. I dreamt of you long before you were born and your “star arrival” was nothing I could have imagined. You are much more exciting, breath taking and surprising than anything I could have conjured up.

You are wonderfully made and perfectly part of me.

I long to cover you and protect you with my own hard earned wisdom. To save you from the same tears and disappointments I have experienced.

That is my mother’s heart.

  1. Instead I will give you the gifts of my parenting, not perfect but perfectly given from my heart:
  2. I will teach you and encourage you so that you can have your own hurt and disappointments, so that you too can learn about compassion and empathy and most of all love.
  3. I will mean what I say and say what I mean so you will know what it is to be a truth keeper, a person of integrity.
  4. I will always give you a chance to make a good decision even after you’ve made a bad one., so you will know that there is never a problem that cannot be solved.
  5. I will make sure that each consequence you must take will match the “crime” or mistake. That way you will learn about justice.
  6. I will take lots of time to “catch you doing good” so that you will learn about hope and all that you are and can become.
  7. I will say please and thank you a lot so that you can be an eye witness to someone else feeling important and special. Words that not only please but that say “I care about you”.
  8. Sorry will be more than a word but the time taken to feel another’s hurt. Sorry will be a chance to change and a chance to heal.
  9. There is great dignity in hard work and I will give you that chance so that you know you are a valued member of this family, one whom the family would not be the same without.
  10. I will never run out of hugs so that you will learn about unconditional love.

The best love is love that teaches, that is consistent, that really listens. It’s a lot easier to say yes and it takes a whole lotta love to say no. So if I say “no”, it’s because I love you.

Written by Sharyn Timerman